3D Laser Scanning
3D laser scanning is a non-contact, non-destructive technology that digitally captures the geometry of a physical object using a laser light. This process generates what is called a “point cloud” of data from the surface of the object.
After the huge point cloud files are created, they are registered and merged into one three-dimensional representation of the object and post-processed with various software packages suitable for a specific application.
This process supplies you with a complete digital representation of your part to be used for reverse engineering or quality inspection.
Example Applications
- Update of current design is needed, however, existing documentation does not reflect “on the fly” changes made to the product over the years.
- Tooling no longer exists. Documentation does not exist. However, you do have a part in hand.
- Inspection of parts generated from new tooling.
- Competitor’s product and your product have some design over lap which you need to document for review by your patent attorney.
Utilizing existing part(s), a 3D CAD solid model can be created from the “point cloud” data to accurately reflect the existing design as well as allow some updates and improvements to the design. A rapid prototype can be generated from the 3D CAD solid model to allow you to approve the design as well as obtain market feedback.