FDM Prototypes
Fused Deposition Modeling
Produces cost effective, strong, functional prototpyes.

FDM Prototypes
FDM or Fused Deposition Modeling, produces cost effective, exceptionally strong, functional parts using production-grade ABS thermoplastic. FDM parts are durable, dimensionally accurate and stable making them ideal for ‘form, fit, and function’ testing. FDM parts can withstand rigorous testing and won’t shrink, warp or absorb moisture.
Typical FDM uses are concept or engineering models, functional testing prototypes, manufacturing tools such as jigs or fixtures, prototypes which require secondary processes such as drilling, tapping, or threading and low volume manufacturing.
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Designing Parts for FDM
When designing a part to be generated using FDM technology, build process should be considered. FDM extrudes thin layers of molten thermoplastic layer by layer until a part is completed. Since FDM produces parts with specific characteristics and capabilities different from those of other prototyping technologies, they have increasingly been used as a tool for producing manufactured products.